Product Recalls and The National Strategy for Reducing Food Loss and Waste

This is a far-reaching strategy, published on 12th June 2024. It involves collaboration by three federal agencies,  the EPA, USDA and FDA, as well as private and public sector partners. There are many reasons for the food loss and food waste, but one of these is food that is not consumed due to product recalls … Read more

FSMA’s Rule on Sanitary Transportation of Human and Animal Food

In partnership with our product recall insurance client, Perigon, our latest article on the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) is available to download now. The FSMA Major Rules aim to drive the industry from a reactive to a more proactive stance on control of food safety and human health. As we proceed through the factsheet … Read more

FSMA’s Foreign Supplier Verification Programs

In partnership with our product recall insurance client, Perigon, our latest article on the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) is available to download now. The FSMA Major Rules aim to drive the industry from a reactive to a more proactive stance on control of food safety and human health. As we proceed through the factsheet … Read more

FSMA Proposed Rule on Agricultural Water

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The proposed FSMA rule was described as a “game changer for the safety of fresh produce” at the recent Food Safety Summit in Chicago by Frank Yiannas (Deputy Commissioner, Food Policy and Response, U.S. FDA). This rule would change the pre-harvest agricultural water requirements for covered produce (other than sprouts). The requirements in this proposed … Read more

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