Product Recall Consultant Services

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RQA Group are Swiss Re UK’s retained crisis consultants. We have 25 years of product recall experience and have responded to well over 1500 product incidents. This uniquely qualifies us to offer expert advice and services to you, as a Swiss Re product recall policyholder. As part of your policy you are entitled to:

  • 24/7 expert product recall incident support via Swiss Re UK’s dedicated incident line
  • Pre-incident risk management consultancy and training, with funding provided by Swiss Re UK
For more information on these services scroll down or click below to ask us any questions you may have
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Swiss Re UK 24/7 Product Recall Incident Support - (+44) 207 411 9830

In the event of a call to the dedicated Swiss Re UK incident line, we will take details of the incident and then assign one of our expert consultants to assist you. They will provide any support that is necessary in order to help you get through the potential crisis situation by helping to understand the scale and severity of the issue, defining the regulatory compliance, and then assisting in developing an action plan and executing any necessary market action. RQA has advised on well over 1500 product fault or product recall incidents. A few examples include:

  • Glass in food
  • Microbiological contamination
  • Faulty electrical equipment
  • Allergen cross contamination
  • Insect issues with food packaging
  • Reports of injuries caused by a wide range of consumer goods
  • Chemical contamination of products
  • Consumer complaints with mobile phone accessories
  • And many, many more…

In our experience, some clients like to have external experts to act as a sounding board and to challenge the already developed approach, others need help in a specific area, and others are inexperienced or unprepared and need maximum guidance and support. RQA can cover this range of client support requirements. Of course, the specifics of all responses are different, but many include some of the following:

  • Investigation to understand the cause of contamination or product fault
  • Analysis of the contaminant or unknown material
  • Visit suppliers who may be involved in contamination
  • Root cause analysis / FMEA
  • Risk assessment methodologies
  • Advice on communicating incident to stakeholders and recall execution
  • Development of crisis communication strategy
  • Reviewing action so far and discussing possible next steps
  • Set up call centre capability to provide information to consumers in response to major public recall
  • Advice on traceability to narrow recall scope
  • Development of action plans and crisis capability
  • Collection of suspected contaminated product from consumers
  • Involvement of specialists in malicious tampering / extortion cases

If you have any questions about the 24/7 Incident Support please click below. 

Pre-incident Risk Management Consultancy & Training

As added value to your policy, Swiss Re UK offer a risk management budget for you to use for RQA services to focus on improving product safety, quality and recall systems and procedures. 

Examples of services you could request include:

  • Product Recall Plan Development or Review 
  • Product Recall Training
  • Mock Recall Exercise
  • Food Defence Planning & Training
  • Food Safety Consultancy
  • Allergen Reviews and Consultancy
  • Foreign Body Management

RQA has a full range of services to assist companies in reducing the risk of product recall as well as improving their capability in management of recall. Click here for more on these services or click below to talk to us about your budget and which services are available to you. 

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How can we help?

We have specialist skills in a variety of sector and industries, contact us to see how we can help you.
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If you would like more information or to speak with a product risk expert, please share your details below or call us on:
+44 (0)118 405 0192.